
QualitativeModelFitting (qmf) is a package designed for validating a model against arbitrary observations. The concept stems from that of unit testing in software development. Using qmf, each part of a model is tested by statements derived from literature or in house data. These statements are encoded as a qmf input string which is used together with an antimony string as input to the qualitative_model_fitting.Runner class.

Click below for more information on usage.

This is the first version of qmf and there are a number of planned features that are not yet supported. In no particular order, these are:


  • Build in full profile type analysis using a machine learning classification model. This would allow for profiles to be compared agaist (e.g.) a hyperbolic, transient or sigmoidal curve.
  • Implement a cache system for performance improvements
  • Implement the ‘between’ operator for implementing a rule that a component should be between x and y.
  • Implement the ‘almost’ operator for floating point comparisons
  • Implement the ‘start’ and ‘end’ operators for time intervals to abstract the need to always remember the end point of a simulation
  • Allow for assigning variables to collections so we can list species that have the same rules
  • Build in loops so we can do bulk validations
  • Build the steady state block
  • Build a dose response block
  • Build the sensitivity block
  • Build a plot block